Healthcare computers
Healthcare computer USM-500

Healthcare computer USM-500

Equipped with a 8/9th Gen Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 processor and 4 x PCIe slots that support the integration of graphics and data capture cards for video recording and analysis. USM-500 is compliant with the CE, FCC, and IEC-60601-1-2 regulations for diverse hospital applications.

Healthcare computer USM-500
Healthcare computer USM-500
Healthcare computer USM-500

Equipped with a 8/9th Gen Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 processor and 4 x PCIe slots that support the integration of graphics and data capture cards for video recording and analysis. USM-500 is compliant with the CE, FCC, and IEC-60601-1-2 regulations for diverse hospital applications.

Healthcare computer USM-500
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